


A large part of the intervention that we do here is auditory processing. Many of our children have trouble processing the information they hear, because their brains interpret the meanings of the sounds differently. We help the kids practice getting their ears and their brains in sync.


In our practice we use The Listening Program SPECTRUM, and In Time. We use SPECTRUM here in the clinic as a way to help the children calm and regulate their bodies so that they can be ready for therapy.  SPECTRUM has instrumental music the children listen to which helps them to relax. At the same time, the music helps to exercise the brain. 


We also use inTime during the therapy session. This also helps the children to regulate their systems, but it also helps with learning how to do sequencing and timing. inTime provides rhythm-based training that targets different areas of the brain. This is a lot of fun, as the children get to practice listening while moving their bodies or using a drum to keep a beat. The activities help with auditory processing, executive function, motor coordination, stress response, and more. 


These technologies are all in keeping with our motto of being very cutting edge and innovative in everything that we do to help our children! We also have these programs available to parents, so they can use them at home.


Please visit our website at for more information. 

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